The New Animal Crossing Duplication Trick Only Copies 2×1 Items

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The New Animal Crossing Duplication Trick Only Copies 2×1 Items

Another Animal Crossing duplication glitch has been Animal Crossing Items found in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. However, this time the trick is far more limited in what people can and can’t copy and requires a bit more investment on the part of the player. If someone has updated to 1.2, they can now use 2×2 and 2×1 tables in their homes to duplicate any 2×1 items that can sit on tables.

The jist of it is that people go into a room in their home, place a 2×2 table in the center of a room, then place a 2×1 table next to it with a 2×1 item on top of it. Some people have been using katanas. For my test, I used the lab-experiments set. If you place the items, press down to swap to the view where you see an overhead view of the room, then hold the left shoulder button while dropping the 2×1 table with item on it around the center 2×2 table (or kitchen island, in my case), the 2×1 table will automatically rotate. Exiting the placement mode, leaving the room, and returning will result in the 2×1 item on top of the table still being in all those spaces. You can then grab those by pressing down on the d-pad and sending them to storage.

Here’s the video of the new Animal Crossing duplication trick, discovered by Crud, in action in a video the user recorded. A TPOE step-by-step guide was also released and warns that this could cause bugs.

I can confirm the trick works with a kitchen island, ironwood low table, and lab-experiments set placed in a smaller side room of an upgraded home. Here is a clip showing it in action that I recorded on May 4, 2020.

While this Animal Crossing duplication glitch is immediately available, don’t expect ACNH Items it to be for long. When Nintendo discovered the original trick, it swiftly released an update to eliminate it from the game.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is available for the Nintendo Switch.
