Don't let the numerical control machine tool selection problem confuse you

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numerical control machine tool

The birth of numerical control machine tool can make ordinary machine tools complete the machining of complex surface parts that are difficult to complete or can not be processed at all, which is a product of high-tech, but also an important symbol of reflecting the manufacturing ability of enterprises. It can not only improve product quality and production lines, reduce production costs, but also improve the working conditions of workers. When choosing numerical control machine tool, we should generally consider the following aspects:

(1) The size of the main specification should be adapted to the outline size of the workpiece. That is, small workpieces should be selected for small size machine tool processing, while large workpieces should be selected for large size machine tool processing to achieve reasonable use of equipment.

(2) The machine tool structure depends on the size of the machine tool, the weight of the workpiece and other factors.

(3) The working accuracy of the machine tool is adapted to the processing accuracy required by the process. Select the machine tool according to the machining accuracy requirements of the parts, such as the rough machining process with low precision requirements, the machine tool with low precision should be selected, and the finishing process with high precision should be selected.

(4) The power and stiffness of the machine tool and the mobility range should be adapted to the nature of the process and the most suitable cutting amount. If the blank margin removed by the roughing process is large and the cutting margin is selected as large, the machine tool is required to have large power and better stiffness.

(5) Convenient clamping and simple fixture structure are also factors that need to be considered in the selection of CNC equipment. The choice of horizontal or vertical will directly affect the structure of the selected fixture and the machining coordinate system, which is directly related to the difficulty of NC programming and the reliability of NC machining.

It should be noted that when choosing numerical control machine tool, the function of numerical control equipment should be fully utilized, and reasonable development should be carried out according to needs, in order to expand its function and meet the needs of products. Then, according to the selected equipment, the CNC machining plan and process route are further optimized, and the content of the process is appropriately adjusted according to the needs.

numerical control machine tool
