Cannavaro to Chiellini Net one for me please

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Cannavaro to Chiellini Net one for me please

After the unfortunate tackle Giorgio Chiellini Mike Piazza Jersey did to Cannavaro, Cannavaro has tried to use it a boost to the Italians. Cannavaro has asked Chiellini to dedicate Blank Jersey a goal for him and that would be a good payback for the unlucky accident that occured. Cannavaro Andre Ethier Jersey did not discourage Chiellini and said it was not his fault.He was extremely disappointed, I encouraged him to play well and dedicate a goal for me, commented Cannavaro.Chiellini is extremely known Joc Pederson Jersey for his heading abilities and the probability that we would see him net a goal for the Azzuri has definitely increased after this accident with Cannavaro spurring Custom Jersey Chiellini forward.