Ex-NFL GM Dak Prescott not Jared Goff sh

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Ex-NFL GM Dak Prescott not Jared Goff sh

If you need something to argue about with your family over the Thanksgiving holiday that doesn't involve politics, here's an idea: You can debate who should've been the No. 1 overall pick in the NFL Draft. As you probably already know by now, quarterback was the top pick in April Myles Hartsfield Jersey 's draft. However, that's not the pick that former general manager Michael Lombardi would've made if he had been running the Rams. During a recent appearance , Lombardi said that , and not Goff, should've been the No. 1 overall pick in the draft. "You keep saying he's a fourth-round pick," Lombardi said as he spoke to panelist Shannon Sharpe, . "I say to you, he's no longer a fourth-round Thomas Davis Sr. Jersey pick. He is a first-round pick, should've been the first pick overall in the draft. He's better than , I don't deny that." After Lombardi insisted that Prescott should've been the top pick, Sharpe pointed out that Prescott has a lot of talent around him in Dallas and probably wouldn't be as good this year if he had been drafted by Los Angeles or Philadelphia. "The reason I disagree with you on that is I think his uniquene Alex Erickson Jersey s in terms of his leadership," Lombardi said. "He's got Ru sell Wilson-esque leadership ability to him. We just don't see it as much as we see it with Ru sell. If I was advising Jerry Jones , three weeks ago, I would've said 'We're not going back to Tony Romo .' This kid has unique leadership skills." During the Aaron Parker Jersey month of October, Jones was non-committal about Prescott's future. At the time, the were unwilling to publicly commit to Prescott for the rest of the season. As for Lombardi, who after one season as the Browns' general manager, he believes Prescott would've been succe sful with any team that drafted him. "I think he is exactly the kind of player, if the Rams drafted him, you build your team around," Lombardi said. "That's what you're looking for because your best player has to set the intolerance for anything that gets in the Colin Thompson Jersey way of winning and that's what Dak does." In the end, Prescott ended up being the eighth quarterback taken in the draft and the 135th player overall. Needle s to say, the Cowboys got a pretty good deal. Goff, Wentz, , , and were selected ahead of Prescott in April's draft.