Donald Trump says Jets owner will be nex

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Donald Trump says Jets owner will be nex

With his inauguration le s than 24 hours away, President-elect Donald Trump has begun the proce s of filling several amba sador roles, and it looks like one of the most important jobs on the list is going to go to owner Woody Johnson. NFL Playoffs During a luncheon in Washington D.C. on Thursday, Trump indicated that Johnson will fill the role as amba sador to the United Kingdom. During a speech at the luncheon, Trump mentioned that Stan Musial Jersey he was "sitting next to the amba sador Woody Johnson," the . Trump also added that Johnson will be "going to Saint James." The United States Amba sador to the Court of St. James used to be the formal title for Miles Mikolas Jersey the position. Of that wasn't enough, the president-elect also to sed in a "Congratulations, Woody," at the end of his speech. Johnson's appointment basically means that he'll be the main conduit between the United Kingdom and the United States during Trump's presidency. The fact that Johnson was given the job isn't a surprise. Not only did the Jets owner serve as the vice chairman of Trump's victory committee, but he was also one of the first billionaires to come out and openly support Trump while he was a presidential candidate. Johnson announced his support for Trump back in May. "He's going to be the nominee of the Ken Boyer Jersey party," Johnson . Lou Brock Jersey "I've always supported the party, I think it's important that we do have unity. Maybe not the kind of unity we all understand, but we'll have some sort of unity." The two men have a relationship that spans back nearly three decades. With Johnson set to take the amba sador role, the job of running the Jets will he handed over to his brother, , according . Woody Johnson's new role could actually be a boon for the NFL. The league will now have one of its 32 owners serving in a key role in an area where the NFL hopes to see continued growth. The NFL in London next season, which is the most in league history. There also continues to be chatter that the league could eventually move a team to London sometime in the Yadier Molina Jersey near future. Back in April, NFL commi sioner Roger Goodell said that London will one day get an NFL franchise.