The Quick and Easy Way to Finish an Air Dribble in Rocket League 2023

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In fewer than five minutes, you can have it in your possession if all you do is follow the instructions that are given

In fewer than five minutes, you can have it in your possession if all you do is follow the instructions that are given. Note that the completion of the content has now been accomplished; this is just a footnote. In addition to having more than four thousand hours of experience as a coach, I am also in charge of Rocket League's most advanced live coaching program. In addition, I have accumulated over four thousand hours of experience as a player over the course of my career. Therefore, if you are interested in a GC and you want to join one of the top 100 spots before we sell out, you should do so prior to the month of May and then take a break until then. This is the best way to ensure that you get a spot in the top 100 before we run out of spots.


This is the most effective strategy for maximizing your chances of being included in the top 100 before we run out of available spots.

  1. Let's have a conversation about the most efficient way to dribble the ball while you are in the air before we move on to the first section, which will be located below my Discord

  2. This will take place as we move on to the next section

  3. The next three steps are going to be broken down and discussed in detail

  4. After you have completed that, you are free to move on to the subsequent stage

  5. The very first piece of information that I have to share with you is the fact that these hexagons are painted on the wall

  6. It's possible that you've already made this connection

  7. We are going to make first contact with the wall at some point in the middle of the exercise, which is going to take place somewhere

  8. This brings us to the first reason why we shouldn't do either of these things, which is the fact that doing either of them will result in unfavorable repercussions in some way

  9. You need to make sure that there is at least the length of one car between your vehicle and the ball before you hit it, and this distance must be at least one car's length


It is essential that you complete this step before you strike the ball.

This results in the ball being kicked against the wall, which is the intended outcome. Instead, once the ball reaches the wall in front of it, we need to come to a stop and leave a distance between ourselves and the ball that is equivalent to that of a car. To summarize, we will be required to make some adjustments to the third step set; however, we ought to make every effort to keep these adjustments to a minimum. If you jump after hitting the ball, there is a possibility that you will be able to catch up with it; however, doing so will be more difficult, and there is also the possibility that you will run out of time. The objective of the game is to perform a vertical leap and make contact with the ball while moving through a section of a hexagon that is roughly equivalent to one-half of the overall shape.

The ball should go online and sail directly to the middle of the goal that your opponent is guarding if you execute it correctly, and it should do so if you do it correctly. 

This will serve as an indication that you have finished the maneuver in a successful manner. In the event that you make contact with the ball, its forward momentum will likely be slowed down. The second skill you need to perfect if you want to become an expert at air dribbling is the ability to make a prompt adjustment to your air roll after making your first touch of the ball. This is the second skill you need to perfect if you want to become an expert at air dribbling. Therefore, if we want to leave the left wall, all you need to do is adjust the arrow; simply hold the neutral arrow, pull the joystick down slightly to the left, and check to see that your wheels are facing down and that your car is aligned with the ball. This is all you need to do. Because of this, we will be able to quicken our pace, complete our dribbling, and then we will be able to proceed.

Now, this is actually the second common mistake that I believe new air dribblers make, and that is to speed up through the adjustments.

I believe this is because they are anxious to get their dribbling going. It will be much simpler for you to successfully complete the third step as a result of the fact that the ball will be able to fly up and above you as a result of this. It is necessary to loft the ball into the air and then direct it toward the middle of the opponent if you have already finished the previous step. When it comes to dribbling the ball in the air, the final mistake that most players make is actually dribbling the ball, which is the mistake that most players make.

You should avoid pushing the ball the entire length through dribbling because if you do so, you will push the ball away too forcefully and lose control of the ball. Instead, you should avoid pushing the ball halfway through the length through dribbling. You should instead avoid dribbling the ball all the way down the length of the court by stopping short of doing so. You should instead focus on dribbling the ball in order to avoid having to push it all the way through the length of the field. If you act in this manner, you will be able to match the speed of the ball and subtly direct it into the goal of your opponent. After taking everything into consideration, we have reached the conclusion that instead of throwing the ball, we will instead hit it against the wall and concentrate on adjusting the setting on the timer.
