The following is a list of seven things that you absolutely must not do while you have your wig on

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Believe us when we say that once the technology is developed, we will be the first ones in line for a wig that is capable of growing its own hair

Believe us when we say that once the technology is developed, we will be the first ones in line for a wig that is capable of growing its own hair.  The following are some things you should never do while you are wearing your wig in order to ensure that it remains in pristine condition.  When you shampoo your hair, you should use a regular shampoo or styling products.  

There are companies out there that are dedicated to developing cosmetics and other beauty aids specifically for people who wear wigs, such as yourself, and you can purchase these products from those companies.

In other words, you should never use generic hair care products on your wig; rather than that, you should always make sure to use hair care products that are designed to be used specifically on wigs.

Use an iron to create curls in your hair, then finish drying it with a blow dryer.  Watch what you're doing.  Heat styling tools have the potential to completely destroy a wig made of synthetic hair, unless you are wearing a wig made of synthetic hair that is intended to be resistant to heat styling.

In addition, the use of heat tools, despite the fact that it may appear counterintuitive, can be detrimental to human hair wigs as well.  Why?
This does not, however, imply that you are compelled to accept the fact that you have pancake hair.  Choose one of the following options to get a ride:

Spray your hair and comb it out.  If your wig is in need of a refresher, spritz it with water from a spray bottle, and then gently tangle it in a tousled style using your fingers.  This will give your wig a more natural look.  Oh my, the horrors of hairspray and mousse! Combs that have a lot of teeth!

Make sure you get their opinion on the matter.  It's not that we don't have faith in your ability to make your own scissors at home. . . but, you know, it's better to be safe than sorry.  If you are completely and utterly fed up with the way your wig looks, you should think about taking it to a professional stylist.  Not that we don't have faith in your ability to make your own scissors at home.  When you brush your teeth, use a regular toothbrush.  If it was anything like ours, it almost certainly had clumps of hair sticking out all over the place, giving the impression that it was a small wild animal.  And if they are capable of doing that much damage to the hair that you grow on your own, are you even able to begin to fathom the havoc that they wreak on wigs? This not only makes the style look less cohesive as a whole, but there is also a possibility that the wig's hair will become untied as a result of this action.

The fact that you don't want to walk around looking like a caveman with your hair all wild and long is something that we completely understand.

If you invest in a wig comb now, it will enable your wig to keep its thick and full appearance for a greater length of time, which will result in significant cost savings in the future.

 However, it is a terrible nighttime companion for your wig and should be avoided at all costs.
Each and every one of our wigs is designed to have the perfect fit, which means that it is neither excessively loose nor excessively tight all over the head.  However, if you try to put a wig on a head that is made of Styrofoam, the cap will stretch, which will ruin the foundation of your hairstyle.  While you are washing or drying, you should scrub with a brush.

It has been said that cleanliness is next to godliness; however, washing your wig is the complete antithesis of a positive thing to do.

It is best to avoid scrubbing the surface and instead use a washcloth to blot it in a gentle manner.  Do not wring it out once you have finished washing it; instead, pat it dry with a towel, and then hang it up on a wig stand so that it can air dry.  You should swim while wearing your hairpiece.  Chlorine is loaded with disinfectants that strip hair of its silky sheen and leave it looking dull, in contrast to saltwater, which causes hair to become brittle and dry by drawing moisture out of it.  Saltwater causes hair to become brittle and dry because it draws moisture out of it.

If you have real hair or a wig that has been expertly styled to look like real hair, you should stay away from activities that require you to immerse your hair in water.  

This is true regardless of whether you have real hair or a wig.  Wearing a traditional swim cap that is constructed from a fabric that is extremely plush is one way to achieve a look that is more understated.
Wigs made of human hair may not necessarily melt when subjected to high temperatures; however, they may instead become frizzy, brittle, and dry when in that environment.  In addition, while you are sporting your new do, you should stay away from steaming kettles of water, smoky grills, and dishwashers right after the dry cycle has been finished.

On the other hand, this does not imply that you should stay inside when the weather is nice and should instead encourage you to go outside and enjoy it.  It ought to be fine for you to wear your wig out in the regular sunshine; however, if you want to give your wig a break from the sun, you could always choose to wear a sun hat instead of your wig instead.  If you wear a silk scarf underneath your wig and wrap it around your head while you wear it, you can add an extra line of defense to the protection that your wig provides.  Do you know of any other methods that can be used to maintain the appearance of freshness in your wig?
