Players are actually starting to feel sorry for Malenia as a direct consequence of the ridiculous Elden Ring strategy

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In the game Elden Ring, a recently implemented tactic makes it surprisingly easy to defeat the difficult boss Malenia, eliciting pity for an opponent that was previously so difficult to overcome

In the game Elden Ring, a recently implemented tactic makes it surprisingly easy to defeat the difficult boss Malenia, eliciting pity for an opponent that was previously so difficult to overcome.

Players employ a deft strategy that involves constant strikes to break Malenia's posture and expose her to powerful jumping attacks. This leaves Malenia vulnerable to further attacks. Because of this, Malenia is vulnerable to attack from any of the other players.

Malenia is one of the most well-known bosses in Elden Ring; in fact, she is more well-known than the Elden Beast, who is the final boss of the game. Malenia was one of the first bosses to be introduced in Elden Ring. Malenia is a significant threat throughout the entirety of the game. The primary justification for this is that Malenia was programmed with a diverse selection of combos and abilities that, when combined, make it extremely challenging to prevail in a fight against her. As a direct result of this, fans have begun competing against one another in a variety of challenges that are held over the internet in an effort to discover new and more effective ways to overcome Malenia.


A user on Reddit by the name of BrownVented shared a video in which Elden Ring demonstrated how to defeat Malenia in such an easy manner that it makes one feel sorry for a boss who is supposed to be one of the most difficult


- In the video, Elden Ring defeated Malenia in such an easy manner that it makes one feel sorry for a boss who is supposed to be one of the most difficult

- It is possible to infer from the content that the strategy requires at least some of the boss battle to be fought with the assistance of a companion at some point during the fight

- This is something that can be done at any time during the fight

- During this time, one of them is relentlessly attacking Malenia with an ability of their weapon that a number of players jokingly refer to as the Cole Train

- Those familiar with the Gears of War video game series will recognize Augustus Cole as the inspiration for this reference

- The tactic entails driving punches forward in a manner that is strikingly analogous to the way a train moves

- This is done in order to simulate the momentum of the opponent's opponent

During the course of their conflict, the second player uses powerful jumping attacks that significantly reduce the first player's remaining health. The second player is responsible for using these attacks.

The goal of the strategy for the player who keeps striking Malenia continuously is not necessarily to inflict damage but rather to aim to break her posture and keep her in a constant state of inactivity, so that she is unable to attack or deal damage to another player at any point in the game. If this strategy is successful, then the player who keeps striking Malenia continuously will have achieved their goal. The second player will then have a free pass to land jump attacks and will have a much easier time depleting her health. If the first player jumps, the second player will have a free pass to land jump attacks. If the first player jumps, the second player will have an opportunity to land jump attacks without having to worry about being blocked. Because of this tactic, Malenia is put in a position where she has no defenses at all, and as a direct result of this, the match is over in just over a minute. This demonstrates, among other things, that dedicated players' ingenuity can make even the most difficult boss seem like it can be easily defeated. The fact that such a difficult boss could be defeated in such a straightforward manner has elicited a variety of responses from other players, the majority of which have expressed surprise and satisfaction at the accomplishment.

Malenia is one of the bosses in the Elden Ring, and like the others, she provokes a variety of responses from her players. Others adore her for the very same reason because it is so satisfying to overcome one of her obstacles, despite how challenging they may be, but some players despise her because of the challenges she presented to them while they were playing the game, but other players adore her for the very same reason because she presented them with challenges while they were playing the game. If you use this strategy, it is without a doubt difficult to predict how satisfying it will be for her to lose at this point in the game. However, there is a good chance that it will be satisfying.
