The Atlas Tree Guide for the Path of Exiles version 3.22

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After the release of Path of Exiles version 3

After the release of Path of Exiles version 3.22 League, a lot of players will either be doing their endgame strategy all over again or going into the Atlas for the very first time. In this guide, we will go over the reworked Atlas passive tree, provide some strategies for efficient progression, and go over some more cost-effective ways to farm PoE Currency. It is important to have a solid understanding of the Atlas tree's mechanisms and to carefully plan your builds because it presents you with new opportunities to shape your endgame experience. These opportunities can be found in the Atlas tree. The return of the Atlas passive tree will be immediately noticeable the moment you enter a map thanks to its distinctive appearance. This intricate network of nodes bestows powerful benefits that modify the way you interact with endgame content. These benefits include things like unlocking maps, affecting map modifiers, dropping specific league mechanics, and a great deal more. These benefits include not only these things but also other things. When you consider the sheer number of passives that are at your disposal, the process of optimizing your setup can feel like an insurmountable challenge.

The Atlas tree has been cut into four quadrants, and each of these quadrants focuses on a different aspect of mapping, namely the following:
Rulership of the ConquerorsThis section will determine how you progress through the Atlas, including how you defeat the game's four Conquerors of the Atlas and how you engage in combat with the Elder and the Shaper. The existence of nodes in this area increases the likelihood of encountering a map boss, boosts the health and damage of bosses, and messes with the mechanics that govern Conqueror influence. In order to move through the Atlas more quickly, you should prioritize increasing the chances that bosses will drop maps and watchstones. You will be able to make rapid progress through the game as a result of this.

Players will have a greater degree of control over map mods as a result of this, and they will be able to more easily target farm-specific maps in order to farm league mechanics drops and div cards that are specific to those maps. To give you an example, the generation of faultless maps of Delirium or Breachstone. Because of this focus, the profit potential currency that can be earned from running those maps can be maximized through the use of targeted loot and mob mods. This is possible because of the map's concentration on a specific type of currency. Responsibility Shown with RespectYou can acquire Legacy, Memory, or Reflection map pieces here, which will allow you to play through distinctive endgame domains and earn significant rewards. You can also choose which map type you want to acquire here. There are nodes in this region that, amongst many other things, lower the prices of pieces, grant guaranteed piece drops from specific map bosses, unlock additional bosses, and more. When it comes to farming, stacking price reduction nodes gives you the ability to keep running domains in order to obtain the best drops, such as Ivory Watchstones, unique maps, and crafting bases.

You can only do this if you have the ability to keep running domains. You are able to keep optimal map returns with tight Atlas passive investment, and you can target run specific maps back-to-back for focused farming. This allows you to farm more efficiently. Commonly used effective mapping strategies include chaining together low-tier maps in order to achieve maximum returns or blasting high-tier maps in order to obtain rarer drops. Both of these approaches are intended to maximize the amount of loot obtained. Both approaches make use of all of the Atlas passives, which are designed to increase the number of packs, the rarity of the enemies, and the number of Objectives that they drop. The Eternal Labyrinth is in charge of regulating the numerous new varieties of labyrinth rooms and trials that were introduced in patch 3.22, as well as the manner in which you come across them. The chances of a Trial appearing in a map are increased by the presence of nodes, which also increase the amount of valuable loot a room drops, such as currency, maps, and Sextant mods. When farming, you should put most of your focus on nodes that generate a greater number of trials.

This will increase the speed at which you finish Lab tasks as well as increase the amount of points you earn toward your Ascendancy respec. Some of the most valuable items that can be dropped from maps include raw currencies, maps of higher tiers, exotic coins obtained from league mechanics, valuable divination cards, unique and cluster jewels. Other valuable items that can be dropped include unique jewels and cluster jewels. Targeting specific maps and bosses with your Atlas allows you to maximize your returns in whichever types of rewards are the most suitable for your preferences. Because of this, you will be able to achieve higher returns. The most common approach to farming focuses on maximizing and maintaining one's map returns while simultaneously playing through the best possible maps.

If making money is your primary goal, you should focus on maintaining Tier 14-16 maps with scarabs, sextants, and watchstones in order to farm high-value drops like raw Chaos orbs and Exalted Orbs. 

This will allow you to maximize your chances of success. Putting money into either Delirium or Legion can frequently result in a profit. Additionally, breachstones enjoy a great deal of popularity. You can generate a nice profit, in addition to farming for yourself, by selling well-rolled maps at an early stage in the game. The reworked Atlas provides players with an exciting new level of control over the process of farming POE currency and progressing through the game by providing them with the ability to fully shape their endgame around their objectives. This new level of control allows players to have a greater impact on how quickly they reach their goals and how quickly they progress through the game. When it comes to making use of the Atlas tree, it is important to keep in mind that it is important to remember to keep a healthy balance across all of the zones, to specialize without ignoring other areas, and to respect passives as you progress through the tree and your gear.

This is the last but not the least important point.

Opportunities for farming that is extremely efficient may emerge as a result of newly available options made available by targeted agriculture and unlocked by investments in a finely tuned Atlas. These possibilities may come about as a result of newly available options. After gaining experience through practice and experimentation with a variety of building strategies and farming methods, you will be able to begin truly optimizing the generation of income through the reworked endgame systems once you have reached a certain level of expertise.
